Hailing from Deepest, Darkest Kent, Sam is constantly working away at creating something, whether it's messing about with sounds and music, either solo or in collaboration with others, writing short stories, off kilter prose or a form of rap (that he's called 'Rant'), working on visual art work (either creating commissions for other people or other projects) or making the odd film, or animation.
Sam loves performing, and has told stories, sung silly songs, and played improv experimental music (sometimes at the same time) at gigs across the UK, from venues as quirky as a Victorian rhubarb tunnels, to pubs, clubs, cafes and art galleries.
Sam's work, across all of the creative platforms that he explores, isn't specifically about one point of inquiry, but reflects his interests and fascinations with a variety of areas, ranging from pre-history, the 'dark ages', parallel worlds, science, science fiction, communication and interaction between people, classic cars and motor bikes, old TV programs from the 70s and 80s, The supernatural, and cats, to name a few.
He is a trained industrial animator, as well as an experimental film maker, with a practice that encompasses a respect for craft and technique, as well as often displaying a disregard for rules and virtuosity, with hefty chunks of rawer expression.