‘Crathelstan Sound’
I was part of CRAThElstan Sound STUDIO, which was a collaboration between CRATE members and Athelstan Sound Attendees in the form of a 2 week residency.
Please see links below, for further information regarding my involvement in the residency.
Interesting links: https://soundcloud.com/jo-murray-281167567/mixversion
Adventures and Artists:
For two years, I was part of a music ensemble, made up of a trombone player, a classically trained viola player, and my-
self, sound tracking live D and D events, under the banner of Adventures and Artists., I found this experience to be a lot of fun, as well as a different way
of working, in response to both live and pre-recorded Dungeons and Dragons role playing games.
Adventures and Artists: https://adventurersandartists.com/
Adventures and Artists OST Volume 1: https://anapodcast.bandcamp.com/album/adventurers-artists-ost-vol-1

This album documents the process of care and repair that OSE Associates administered to the garden space, at OSE, while working with Art/Design/Architectural collective Assemble, during their first term at the school.
All tracks are made solely from those recordings taken. during the process of intervention, between April and June of 2021.
The intention was to make a record that people could enjoy while they were relaxing in the garden space, from the surplus sound generated during processes such as pounding chalk for making naturally derived paint, working with wood, or making Terrazzo tiles.
'The Right Weather'
Part of a tryptic of work orchestrated by OSE students Lottie McCarthy, Sara Jackson and Sam Slattery, in collaboration with The Sunken Garden project, as part of Margate Now (2021).
‘The right weather’, is a collection of expressive aural pieces that document the processes of care, making and maintenance undertaken in the Sunken Garden, at Westbrook, Margate, by a small community of dedicated volunteer gardeners, focusing on interventions made while they were working with the Open School East Associates.
Recorded between July and September 2021, at The Sunken Garden, Westbrook, Margate.
For more information: margatenow.co.uk/now2021/

'Keep Calm...'
This album was produced as part of my final exhibition at Open School East-with tracks included in my multi-media interactive installation piece 'Keep Calm...'.
Find out more
In 'Keep Calm...' a relatively mundane office space offers a contrasting backdrop to a small assortment of (wonky) audio-visual musings and delights. The aim of the conscious clash of the ordinary with the out of the ordinary is placed to provide the audience with an unconventional space for contemplative thought and reflection. (from exhibition blurb/write up. 'Once More With Feeling'. OSE. February 2022)
The album was produced using material recorded between October 2021-February 2022.